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Couldn't get past the deploy screen, "next" and "back" buttons don't seem to do anything. Tried in Chrome and Firefox.

Hi, thank you for letting me know, and thanks for taking the time to try out the demo. I'm unable to replicate the problem on Windows PC using Chrome or Firefox, may I ask for a few system details, such as which OS you are running?

As a fan of Warhammer 40K, X-Com, and turn-based games in general, this really appeals to me. Playing the demo a bit, it really had me looking forward to seeing what the unit attacks were going to be like, the music is really strong, and in general I just have to say nice work!

If I could offer up a couple thoughts, I found the scrolling to be problematic; there were several times when I just wanted to move the pointer but instead found myself scrolling.

And just as a suggestion, I found it harder to read text when it was on backgrounds that had horizontal lines on them. Instead I think to maintain a bit of interest while increasing readability, the backgrounds could have gradients but with complimentary colours used (complimentary to the text colour).

Nice work, looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Many thanks for checking out the demo and for your thoughts too, it really is super helpful as development is very much ongoing and it's great to hear what works as well as what needs some work.  I'm a big fan of 40k and X-com also :)