Update #2 - movement changes, items in battle, extra key controls, minor RNG edits, enemy HP bars


Update #2 brings forth some changes to gameplay in response to player feedback, and some minor tweaks too. For those interested the full changelog is:

- New movement behaviour (hold A or D to move continuously horizontally instead of one tile per key press, still snaps to tiles)

- Use items in battle

- Monster HP bar and numbers in battle

- Press W to enter rooms (in additional to existing use of left mouse button)

- More gold in treasure rooms (random 5-15 gold, instead of just 5 gold)

- RNG tweaked for less encounters, more treasure and potions

I have not yet tackled all the changes I want to make based on feedback but felt at this stage it was still a good plan to update as there are significant differences to the previous version. 


Tyrant's Tower_1.4.zip Play in browser
87 days ago

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