Update #4 - patrolling enemies, side towers, minor UI tweaks and bugfixes

A new mechanic has been added - enemy encounters are now represented by floating skulls that patrol the floor in a simple back and forth pattern, with correct timing they can sometimes be avoided allowing you to slip up the stairs to the floor above. 

Some aspects of the level generation have been de-randomized, to make the tower environment seem more deliberate in its construction - stairs and obstacle blocks are now no longer placed randomly. 

The tower environment has been extended to allow for side towers and other forms of more complex architecture, this allows for a variety of different building types to be made if I extend the project to include more than just the one tower, eg. castles, temples or dungeons are a possibility now.

Other tweaks and fixes include:

- spelling change 'learnt' (UK English) to 'learned' to allow for US English

- Text scaling tweaked to improve clarity and resolution

- further background graphic elements added to facilitate side towers

- Player starts at horizontal underground entrance to tower instead of at the bottom of stairs

- Smoke effect when new tiles revealed

- Bug fix for double-trigger of game over menu on death in combat


Tyrant's Tower_1.6.zip Play in browser
65 days ago

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